Acid in the blood. Does it go with chips?

I thought I would write a bit about blood acidosis and how it effects the way our bodies function.  Whilst doing my research I came across the following article which said it perfectly so I have precede the relevant bits as well as add a few bits in here and there of my own.  I…

Grow Your Own

The growing your own section, has now become my OCD passion.  I thought long and hard about this and it has been a labour of love, passion, sweat, blood (I rather stupidly ended up in A &E after drilling through my thumb) and research. The whole purpose of the heritage allotment coral was to set…

What is paleo?

Paleo was originally theorised by Dr Loren Cordain.  The concept is to eat as our palaeolithic ancestors did.  There was no farming at all 10,000 years ago, it was basically a hunter gatherer community. If you could find it and either gather or catch it, you ate it. Everything was full of natural nutrients, there…

Set up and design of the heritage allotment coral

I knew I needed a few main structures, like a shed, a compost bin or three and I also knew that polytunnel would come in handy.  As I am a bloke I also went on the premise that if a particular size will do, then if you go a few sizes bigger it will more…

Nutritional benefits of food colours

Do what? What the heck have colours got to do with food? This is a great one and something that I have really tried to design into my allotment, I told you I was a tad OCD in the design.  Basically each food has a specific colour and each colour imparts different beneficial main types…