Steroid Abuse

Recent figures show a worrying increase in anabolic steroid abuse in people under 25 over the last few years. The British Crime Survey states that are 42,000 regular anabolic steroid users in the UK but other experts say there could be as many as 100,000 – which is on a par with heroin users. Caring…

The Teenage Brain

If you’re the parent of teenage offspring, particularly if your progeny is currently lounging around the house having broken up from school, college or university and you’re grieving the loss of old fashioned apprenticeships, then you’ll be accustomed to glares, back-chat, mood-swings, bouts of selfishness and sulks followed by demands for money. You may be thinking,…

12 Ways to a Healthier Christmas

Learn to graciously decline invitations. Each year I hear of clients running themselves ragged by attending every invitation to lunch, gardening club and church events, neighbours’ shopping trips, etc. They just can’t say no. The result is that they feel frazzled and usually comes down with a virus. I also see this ‘Christmas over commitment…

Is Back Ache Losing You Money?

It’s phenomenal how much back aches cost individuals, employers and the taxpayer in this country. The figures vary depending on who you ask but, every year, the NHS spends about £1 billion on back pain related care. Every year, UK employers fork out between £590 million and £624 million on back ache related costs. Every…

The Benefits of Dance

The continuing popularity of the BBC’s Strictly Come Dancing has seen many more of us pulling on our dancing shoes. Dancing is a superb way to have fun, meet new people and improve your fitness levels but us amateurs at dance need to take a few precautions to avoid injury. Dance classes are an excellent…

Your Secret Pain Relieving Weapon

When pain strikes unexpectedly it can knock you off your feet, we all experience it differently and it has never been explained satisfactorily by medics or poets. During their initial examination I ask new patients to try to describe their pain – I even have a list of suggested words approved by medical researchers: is…

Bed Wetting is Very Common in Both Children & Teenagers

Bed wetting is very common in children and teenagers – but its is often not discussed as parents consider it a source of embarrassment in older children. Children who wet the bed regularly often have lower self esteem than peers and I’ve heard very sad tales from teenagers who have never stayed at a friend’s…

Immune System Tips

I’ve got a friend who seems to go from one cold to another whilst I haven’t taken antibiotics in about 20 years and I get about one virus a year. We’re a similar age and fitness level so why are our general health levels so different? I believe it’s because I take every step I…

Snoring Information & Help!

Snoring is a common cause of daytime fatigue (for the snorer and their partner). Men are more likely to snore but it is still common amongst women and children. As well as not feeling fully rested during the day, snorers are more likely to be involved in car accidents – a clear indicator that poor quality sleep…

You Have A Choice About Pain Relief

Over the last week, I’ve had many patients ask me about the use of pain relief. You probably read the news reports about the suggested link between certain types of painkillers (including aspirin, paracetamol and ibruprofen) and increased blood pressure. Although I personally avoid taking painkillers and never take antibiotics, I am always wary about…